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dusjagr's research / networking trip to Latin America (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile)

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What is it about?

dusjagr goes for a research trip to deepen his existing collaborations in Argentina and beyond, extend the global hackteria network, explore and find new interesting intitiatives, and prepare and research on "Why Do We Gather?" in the outlook of the upcoming Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) to be held in May 2025 in Indonesia. Personal focus on DIY workshop methodologies, bioart, art&science in general, sound and synth making communities, and open to surprise encounters.

See my notes on possible encounters and collaborations.

Thanks to the support by Pro Helvetia for the research trip

Hopefully we can aim at longer term collaborations? Continuing newly established collaborations through the Co-Creation grant

Link to original application materials to Pro Helvetia (research trip, 6k CHF for 30 days) "DIY Ciencias, Artes y Suelos ElectrĂłnicas"

Topics of interests go towards:

  • Art & Science: find interesting local initiatives. BioArt, add new people to forum and hackteria network
  • Environmental sensors, activism and open source culture
  • Media Arts: What practices and artists are around?
  • GOSH: finding interesting hybrid practitioners working with and on Open Science Hardware
  • DIY & Synth maker communities, that work creatively and with the arts
  • Meet curators and practitioners
  • General overview of the spectrum in art scenes and it's workings

Activities, planned and in the making

Land and Welcome to Buenos Aires, 23 - 27 abril

Mendoza, 29 abril - 9 de mayo

Taller de Recursos Educativos Abiertos - Mendoza, 29 abril - 3 de mayo


Link to the event in Mendoza

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Taller wallpainting farmMicroscopes.jpg

  • Lunes 29 Abril - 11:30am. "Recursos educativos abiertos para biologĂ­a molecular" . A cargo de Fernan Federici. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales - Auditorio
  • Martes 30 Abril - 11:30am. “Oh GOSH! Reflecting on Hackteria's Collaborative Practices in a Global Do-It-With-Others Context”. A cargo de Marc Dusseiller (en inglĂ©s). Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Aula 4 Edificio de aulas
  • Jueves 2 Mayo - 11:30am. "Sensores portĂĄtiles libres de cĂ©lulas para contaminantes quĂ­micos en la Cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo y aplicaciones en diagnĂłstico de Enfermedades Infecciosas". A cargo de Daiana Capdevila. Facultad de Ciencias MĂ©dicas

Some interesting links to stuff that was presented:

CandleLight Soldering session of "El Peepsidador libre"

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Field Trips and Research - Mendoza, 4 - 9 de mayo

Driving along the Andes to San Carlos

Remote lecture to UGM, Yogyakarta

"Why Do We Gather?" Buenos Aires, 10 - 20 May

Discussions and Reflections on "Why Do We Gather?"

Started a discussion on the GOSH forum about it.

"Coming together is a beginning,

Keeping together is progress,

Working together is success."

Empanadas & Fondue - Why Do We Gather, Buenos Aires

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Saturday, 11 May 2024

We invite you to join us for a focused group discussion and mind-picking around the theme of "Why Do We Gather?" and a following evening of sharing prototypes of art, technology and music with food and drinks.

Schedule (all times are in UTC-3)

  • 14:00 Welcome
  • 15:00 Start of Focus Group Discussion "Encontrarse en la esquina"
  • 15:30 Online Moderated Dialogue with remote participants
  • 16:30 In-Person Reflections and Sharing of Experiences around Gatherings
  • 18:00 Wrap-up


  • 19:00 DIY and Art Hardware Music Showcase using open technologies and jam-session
  • 20:30 Empanadas & Fondue

Visits to various initiatives in biomaterials and beyond, Buenos Aires

  • Advise from sistemas materiales
  • Meetup with Nico and many friends from Master of Electronic Arts
  • Concerts various
  • check out some local food & coffee places

Visit Montevideo, Urugay, 21 - 27 May

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21 - 27 May

26. May: electro fishing and coastal roadtrip

Talks and Workshop / Performances, Buenos Aires

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27. May: thGAP BAbyss

thGAP - Transgenic Human Germline Alternatives Project, presents an evening of input lectures, discussions and a performative workshop on artistic interventions for future scenarios of human genetic and inheritable modifications.

To begin our lecturers, Marc Dusseiller aka "dusjagr" and Rodrigo Martin Iglesias, will give an overview of their transdisciplinary practices, including the history of hackteria, a global network for sharing knowledge to involve artists in hands-on and Do-It-With-Others (DIWO) working with the lifesciences, and reflections on future scenarios from the 8-bit computer games of the 80ies to current real-world endeavous of genetically modifiying the human species.

We will then follow up with discussions and hands-on experiments on working with embryos, ovums, gametes, genetic materials from code to slime, in a creative and playful workshop setup, where all paticipant can collaborate on artistic interventions into the germline of a post-human future.

28-30. May: stuff in bed with flu and watch documentaries about "conciousness" and "brain organoid wetware computing" (and mad max)

Visit Chile, 30. May - 8 June

LABVA Valdivia

31. May - 3. June

  • Visit LABVA, Laboratorio de Biomateriales de Valdivia

Santiago de Chile, 3 - 8. June

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  • 5. June, Wednesday: Visit Nacho studio
  • 6. June: Talk & Workshop
    • biofab: Laboratorio de BiofabricaciĂłn UC
    • 14 - 17h
  • 7. June: Visit to nututeLab and creative PCB drawing session in biolab

Workshops and Departure from Buenos Aires, 9 - 12. June

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*/ En este Workshop se explorarå la relación entre las artes gråficas, el dibujo, el diseño de circuitos electrónicos y los principios del hardware abierto. El circuito a construir serå un sintetizador de sonidos de 8 bits minimalista, basado en el microcontrolador Attiny85 y el bootloader TinyAudioBoot, que permite programar el chip a través de una señal de audio. El objetivo del taller, ademås de la producción del circuito, se centrarå en el proceso, la experimentación creativa, el intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos, y el trabajo colaborativo. */


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  • 10. June: Visit UNSAM and meet-up with CoSensores people. See insta post

Dia y horario: Lunes 10 de Junio - 15hs

Lugar: FabLab - Aulario - Campus Miguelete UNSAM

Coordinan: Laboratorio de FabricaciĂłn Digital UNSAM (FabLAB) y Grupo de Sensores Comunitarios (CoSensores).

    • ÂżQuĂ© son las Herramientas Libres?
    • ÂżQuĂ© es un Laboratorio de FabricaciĂłn digital?
    • ÂżComo se vinculan y quĂ© oportunidades ofrecen?
    • ÂżQuĂ© rol pueden cumplir en la Universidad PĂșblica?

About dusjagr

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr (Switzerland)

dusjagr's failed attempt to make an embryo in a vial

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a nomadic researcher and workshopologist. He is part of the Center for Alternative Coconut Research, co-founder of SGMK, BitwĂ€scherei Hackerspace Collective and the Hackteria network. Before travelling the world for making DIY / DIWO laboratories for creative biological experimentation with living media, Marc entered the world of DIY electronics, designing printed circuit boards for synthesizers and organizing workshops and festivals mostly in ZĂŒrich, Taipei and Yogyakarta. He was the co-organizer of the different editions of HackteriaLab 2010 - 2020 ZĂŒrich, Romainmotier, Bangalore, Yogyakarta and Klöntal, Okinawa and collaborated on the organisation of the BioFabbing Convergence, 2017, in Geneva and the Gathering for Open Science Hardware, GOSH! 2016, Geneva & 2018, in Shenzhen. He also loves coconuts.

Marc Dusseiller alias dusjagr es un investigador y tallerista nĂłmada. Es parte del Center for Alternative Coconut Research, co-fundador de SGMK, BitwĂ€scherei Hackerspace Collective y la red Hackteria. Antes de viajar por el mundo para crear laboratorios DIY/DIWO para la experimentaciĂłn biolĂłgica creativa con medios vivos, Marc entrĂł en el mundo de la electrĂłnica DIY, diseñando placas de circuito impreso para sintetizadores y organizando talleres y festivales principalmente en ZĂŒrich, Taipei y Yogyakarta. Fue coorganizador de las diferentes ediciones de HackteriaLab 2010 - 2020 ZĂŒrich, Romainmotier, Bangalore, Yogyakarta y Klöntal, Okinawa y colaborĂł ​​en la organizaciĂłn de BioFabbing Convergence, 2017, en Ginebra y el Gathering for Open Science Hardware, GOSH! 2016, Geneva & 2018, in Shenzhen. TambiĂ©n le encantan los cocos.


Fernando “Nano” Castro (Mendoza, Argentina)

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Fernando “Nano” Castro is a digital artisan from Mendoza (Argentina) working at the interface between scientific/tech communities and local communities that need to improve production practices or monitor the environment. Partner of Coop AyllĂș, a cooperative that manages a small farm to produce food and beverages. Nano has given several open source scientific tools workshops as a facilitator in Chile and Argentina. Currently working on establishing an Open Agroecology Lab for soil and food research. Member of Latam network of free scientific technologies reGOSH.

Laura Olalde (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


Laura Olalde is a visual artist and educator working in the intersection across Art, Science and Technology. With a background in Fine Arts, in painting specialization, some years ago Laura incorporated living matter processes in her artistic practice. Since 2013 Laura is part of PROTEUS, a sci-art collective formed with molecular biologists and social scientists. In 2017, Laura joined the Global Community Bio Summit and also got involved with the Global Open Science Hardware (GOSH) community, as a key movement for an equitable access towards scientific research, communitarian science and constructive learning processes across disciplines. Laura lives and works currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Fernan Federici (Santiago de Chile, Chile)

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Fernan works at PUC (Chile) and iBio Millennium Institute. His group promotes open technologies for research and education in biology. His group is part of the GOSH, reGOSH, ReClone, OpenPlant, JOGL-OpenCovid Initiative and TECNOx open technology communities. He also serves at the UNESCO IBSP board and PLoS board of directors, working on policies and strategies for the adoption of Open Science worldwide.

Heidi Jalkh | Sistemas Materiales (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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Experimental designer trained in industrial design. She is a specialist in LĂłgica y TĂ©cnica de la Forma (morphology) and a master in Open Design – interdisciplinary research – (HU-University of Buenos Aires). She is a design teacher and director of the interdisciplinary research group Sistemas Materiales. In parallel to these academic activities, she continues to develop her professional practice as a designer. Her work intersects craft, design, and manufacturing of biomaterials and bioinspired active materials.

Marita CastellĂł (Montevideo, Uruguay)

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MarĂ­a CastellĂł is a neuroscientist and postgraduate teacher, with a passion for open science and empowering new generations. With a Master's (1992) and Doctorate (2002) in Neurosciences from PEDECIBA at the Uruguayan Universidad de la RepĂșblica, and postdoctoral training at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, USA, MarĂ­a has dedicated her career to research and teaching. As a Research Associate Professor at IIBCE, she leads the Neural Development and Evolution Research Group, exploring topics from neurogenesis to bioinspired artificial intelligence. Her interdisciplinary work spans the reproductive biology of electric fish, science education, and neurobiological and psychological bases of well-being practices such as mindfulness and yoga.

Additionally, María promotes gender equity in STEM, organizing microscopy workshops for girls and participating in various organizations that support women in science and technology. Her work not only advances neuroscience but also inspires and empowers future generations through education and inclusion. Her work in science diplomacy includes ideating the Latin American Brain Initiative (LATBrain) in 2019 and initiation a new specialization of Science Diplomacy by creating courses with UNESCO Montevideo on Science Diplomacy applied to Neuroscience for LAC and the Global South (2021 – 2023) and a network on Science Diplomacy, Techology and Society. Committed with society she is also co-founder of, a NGO devoted to promote technology based projects with social impact.

María is a passionate advocate for open science, a member of the GOSH community and its Ambassador Working Group, and a promoter of low-cost, open-source technologies. She has organized virtual regional postgraduate courses and workshops during the pandemic, integrating neuroscience, ethics, and artificial intelligence, sending low-cost equipment to every of the LAC students for enabling “hands on” training in electrophysiology and microscopy. Committed to education, María has also contributed to the initial and continuous training of teachers and given many outreach activities for students at all levels using open source and low-cost equipment in collaboration with the collective ANT4Kids.

LABVA: Laboratorio de Biomateriales de Valdivia (Valdivia, Chile)

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Laboratorio de Biomateriales, BiofabricaciĂłn y Buen Vivir de Valdivia. Maria Jose and Alejo.

ÂĄEl futuro serĂĄ biomaterial o no serĂĄ!

Maria JosĂ© was born in Santiago, Chile. She is an architect with a Master's degree in Landscape Architecture from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and she completed postgraduate studies in Spatial Analysis (GIS) at the University of Chile. Currently residing in Valdivia, located in the south of Chile, Maria JosĂ© founded (2017) and co-directs the Valdivia's Biomaterials Laboratory (LABVA), an autonomous, self-managed, and community-driven laboratory focused on researching, experimenting, and prototyping biomaterials. In 2022, she established "BiopolimĂ©rica”, the Latin American Meeting on Biodesign and Biomaterials.

Over the past seven years, through LABVA, Maria José has dedicated herself to biodesign, specifically focusing on developing new materialities, understanding interspecies co-creation, and questioning material culture through biofabrication. Her primary interest lies in creating native and endemic biomaterials to promote autonomy and sovereignty over our territories. She believes that biomaterials serve as an agency tool to combat colonialism and to reconstruct our natural and cultural heritage. Whatever she finds, she ferments.

Alejandro was born in Santiago, Chile. He is an architect and holds a Master's degree in Urban Design, with postgraduate studies in Innovation and Creativity through Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Currently residing in Valdivia, he works as a biodesigner, focusing his practice on designing and implementing material systems using local biomass. Alejandro is the co-founder and Director of LABVA (Valdivia's Biomaterials Laboratory)

Nico Restbergs (Fabrica Marciana, Buenos Aires, AR)


Nicolås Restbergs es docente, ilustrador y artista electrónico, egresado de la Facultad de Artes de la UNLP. Se desempeña como docente de arte y tecnología en el Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA) y en Flexible Laboratorio. Es el impulsor del proyecto independiente Fåbrica Marciana!, dedicado a la enseñanza de la electrónica con fines creativos y al desarrollo de hardware sonoro experimental. Sus obras combinan elementos de pråcticas como el circuit bending, el hardware hacking, la cultura DIY y el arte gråfico. Ha participado en diversos eventos, exposiciones y performances en vivo, incluyendo DigiLab Mutek Argentina, "Presión Gråfica", MUCA, Musea Constructora, ALUMCO y "Experimento Planeta", entre otros.

Ariel Charec (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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Buenos Aires-based cultural connector with more than a decade of experience working in the intersection of art, music and technology.

As the former General and Artistic Producer of MUTEK festival in Argentina and after being involved in many independent cultural projects, I've built strong links with artists, practitioners, institutions, and with a wide range of strategic partners.

He is currently the Programme Manager of Pro Helvetia South America responsible for Argentina, Paraguay and Urugay.


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Possible Workshops

Make Your Own Synthesizer Noisy Toy

Happy Noisyear - 30. Dec 2566, Chiang Mai

Turn on your soldering irons!

We will build a simple do-it-yourself synthesizer, based on the "classic" ”-Noise circuit by SGMK, made since 2008 thousands of times all over the world! Only with a few electronic components, resistors, IC, potentiometer, light sensors, we will solder the little noisy toy and jam together. We will guide you into "how to solder", describe and explain the circuit, make electronic music with square wave oscillators and LFO. All particpants will make their own synth and can take it home!

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Bling Bling Pips - Gambar Pisibi-mu Sendiri

Soldering the peepsy in Yogyakarta 2022

Based on the creative and collaborative design workshops held accross the globe since 2017, participants developed various PCB designs for open hardware electronic circuits, such as the peepsy, a simple CONTINUITY TESTER based on David Johnson-Davies' design.

The peepsy circuit is based on the ATTINY85 functions as a continuity tester, the famouse "peeps" of every multimeter, that allows you to test if an electric connection is present, testing your aux cables, or debbugging other electronics. And it has a pink LED on it!

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MicroMikroMakro Magnify Everything

Basic setup of a microscope

How can we observe life beyond the capacity of our human eyes?

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Work with DIY microscopy includes converting an ordinary webcam into a microscope. The webcam’s conversion can be quickly effected manually. The electronics remains unaltered, only the position of the lens is changed. A solid platform enables fixing and accurately focusing the tiny study objects. The objects are illuminated with a light-emitting diode (LED).

Even more simple magnifications / microscopes can also be built using your smart phone camera and attached a cheap plastic lens! See examples of the Mobile Phone Field Microscope.

View the instructions here:

Stories from the Hackteria Zines Library

Check our Zines Libary

“Oh GOSH! Reflecting on Hackteria's Collaborative Practices in a Global Do-It-With-Others Context”

DIY Laboratory Equipment by Hackteria

Coconut-Research and PCB making Yogya

Earlier Collaborative Works and Gatherings

HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta

Info about the HLab14-Book"Reflections on HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"

Watch the full movie / documentary: "SENI GOTONG ROYONG: HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"

Citizen science has long contributed to the health of local communities by making people aware of their environment in the form of oral histories and traditional wisdom. Recently, international open source and maker movements have been actively engaging with the life sciences to focus on the environment. This brought a revival of the tradional knowledge as well as an opportunity for innovation and a model for public participation in science. These activities are becoming influential policy forces changing how we produce and share knowledge as an iterative and collective process. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has been one of the most active hubs in this movement.

HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta was held in April 2014 as a two-weeks making-oriented gathering of researchers, artists, scientists, academicians, hackers and whatevers in Yogyakarta. It expanded on ideas and methodologies about BioArt, DIY biology, DIWO (Do-It-With-Others), appropriate technology, art and science, and biohacking, developed during the previous versions of HLab10 - Dock18, HLab11 - Romainmotier both in Switzerland and HLab13 - Bangalore, India. HLab14 was hosted by LIFEPATCH - citizen initiative in art, science and technology and co-organized together with HACKTERIA | Open Source Biological Art in collaboration with various regional partners.

This book tried to assemble a collection of essays written by the participants, asked to reflect on their own experiences, individually or collectively, which only gives a glimpse into all the projects and exchanges that happend during HLab14. With a short overview of the programme and activities, selected photo impressions and the exhibition manual the book is rounded up and can be an entry point to explore further our online resources and serve as an inspiration for transdisciplinary collaborative practices.

Find all info about the HLab14-Book"Reflections on HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"

Klöntal Biohack Retreat - Switzerland 2017

Find a lot of Zines around the topics of Open Soil Research on the Zines wiki page

Klöntal Biohack Retreat - Switzerland 2017 - 5 days of Biohacking and Art im Klöntal - The artist Maya Minder, in collaboration with, invited people from the international Biohackerscene to stay in the Klöntal. Natural scientists, hackers and artists meet for the development of ideas and open exchange.

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Also known as HackteriaLab 2017 - Klöntal, which then lead to a series of events in the Region of Switzerland and Southern Germany under the umbrella of HUMUS sapiens, starting in Sring 2018 and still kicking...

GOSH - Gathering for Open Science Hardware

From microscopes to microfluidics and water quality test equipment, hardware is a vital part of science. Advances in instrumentation have been central to scientific revolutions and access to hardware shapes the work of communities conducting research globally on a daily basis. However, the current supply chain for science hardware limits access for many groups of people and impedes creativity and customisation. Open Science Hardware (OScH) means sharing designs for scientific hardware openly online that anyone is freely able to use, modify and even commercialize. This approach could drastically reduce the costs of research while enabling people to collaborate and learn in new ways.

The Global Open Science Hardware community supports OScH by convening meetings such as the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH), publications, activities and providing a forum for the community.

See more on GOSH website and join the forum to discuss!

Together we will make Open Science Hardware ubiquitous by 2025 and build new futures for science.

GOSH 2018 Shenzhen

UROĆ  - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware

August 2021 - Jan 2023, Maribor, Slovenia and globally connected

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GBMN - Sanft, aber macht LĂ€rm

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Revised English Version, printed in Chiang Mai

Revised English version "GBMN workshop journey" Zine

This booklet describes a journey of learning from each other’s workshop methodologies with a specific example of “GBMN – Gentle But Make Noise”, a creative sound and electronics workshop, developed by Arnont Nongyao and reproduced and reflected upon by Marc Dusseiller.

Gentle But Make Noise (GBMN) journey (GBMN workshop journey by Arnont & Marc). This is an experimental sound workshop about “How to make a simple noise generator by pencil drawing or LDR sensor and a simple electronic circuit on the local materials”, participants found local objects (plastic bottles, wood, paper, etc) and made simple noise generators on the objects as unique instruments. After that we are playing GBMN together.

ROĆ A - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art, Indonesia

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As a continuation of various research and network activities within UROĆ  - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware, we are happy to announce to have received the GOSH regional events grant (9900 USD, supported via Sloan Foundation) for more activities in Indonesia during 2022, under the name "ROĆ A - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art". See the original application here and our planning budget.

"A regional event series combining a longer on-site residency, aswell as a research & production lab, local outreach and a gathering of interesting players from the region of South East Asia."

Hackteria ZET - Open Science Lab, Zurich, Switzerland

Since summer 2020 we have initiated a new local programme in Switzerland under the name «Hackteria – Zentrum fĂŒr Experimentelle TransdisziplinaritĂ€t» and we proudly started a new space, as part of BitwĂ€scherei shared hackerspace collective, with dedicated facilities for the «Open Science Lab».

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A laboratory, a social learning space, a place of work and research, a transdisciplinary meeting point for designers, hackers, artist, foodies and fermentation activitists.

Hacker-in-Residence Programme @ SGMK and Hackteria ZET, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland

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The Hacker-in-Residence Programme is jointly organized by various people from the environment of BitwÀscherei, and directed primarily by Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, Center for Alternative Coconut Research, in his role as as co-founder and board member of both the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society and Global Ambassador of the Hackteria Network.

SGMK's HOME MADE Summercamps alive and kicking since 2005

thGAP - Transgenic Human Germline Alternatives Project

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Link to docu:

A reflection on the workshops series Mind thGAP - Transgenic Human Genome Alternatives Project, and an invitation to collaborate on the CGCB - Creative Germline Construct Bank, an online open source bioinformatics database of diverse genetic constructs for germline entry using the GOSHPA - General Open Source Plasmid for Human Arts, as a chassis for transgene infection into a newly fertilized ovum.

Adam Zaretsky, Marc Dusseiller, Cristian Delgado, Paula Pin, Mary Maggic and many collaborators worldwide. The events were held in early summer 2021 at the Hackteria ZET - Open Science Lab in ZĂŒrich, Switzerland, and online.

"Genetically modifying the human germline with novel and creative genomic alterations is more aesthetically nuanced in an orthogonal to the contemporary sense than your average clinical CRISPR baby applique."

Its a zine, and QR code invite to collab and be a part of the only online open source bioinformatics database of diverse genetic constructs for human germline entry. All the CGCB genes were chosen publicly by amateur bioartists, citizen scientists and DIY-BIO hobbyists. used for for transgene infection into a newly fertilized ovum during home IVF, garage human embryo design and transgenic human alternative brood breeding without copyright or proprietary nuisance.