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GYNEpunk: Autonomous ginecologyLAB

BIO-reSEARCH is part of Pechblenda tentacles, mixed with AnarchaGland researchs and GynePUNK biolabs

keywords: ANARCHA biopunk - DIY bodyaction - radical SelFpower - Analisis of fluids - self citology - DIY equipment

Autonomous GYN/lab

Ginecología: del griego γυναίκα gynaika "mujer"
Gynecology Historic Research
Anarcha Gland project: herstory of gynecology (only spanish)
Anarcha Gland blog
Vimeo Chanel

  • Auto-exámen (self-exam)
    • Detectar a tiempo enfermedades que pueden volverse complicadas es conocer tu propio cuerpo, ser perceptiva con los síntomas que se te manifiestan, saber ver y palpar cuando algo a cambiado o no está del todo bien

Lab basic tools equipment

Jugaad(a hindi term) is a survival tactic, whereas a hack is an intellectual art form; i.e. Jugaad is the wile of the poor, and hack the pastime of the affluent cerebral. Jugaad is a hack to get around or deal with a lack of or limited resources, and has a class component to it - jugaad are things poor but clever people do to make the most of the resources they have. They do what they need to do, without regard to what is supposed to be possible." colloquial Hindi-Urdu - wikipedia

Building a DIY BIOLab

Workshops & Presentations
THF! gynePUNK BIOlab- laboratorio de diagnosis lowcost
Bugxina Workshop on CORPOS E LÍNGUASEX 2011 - Galiza
  • Info-graphic shows almost all of the lab equipment you could ever dream

Building a DIY gynepunk-BIOLab

Transversal Tools

Microscopic Experiments at THF

All recorded with the new stage and switchMag

SwitchableMag DIY-microscope MaryWard.jpg download the files here:, will be updated soon.

Lab Tasks

Gynecological Tests
Pap Smear
Cytobrush 2.jpg
Cervical Cone Biopsy
Cytobrush 2.jpg
Endometrial Biopsy
Laparoscopy (Pelvic Endoscopy, Peritoneoscopy)
Wet Mount (Vaginitis Test, Wet Prep)
Colposcopy and Cervical Punch Biopsy
Pelvic or Transvaginal Ultrasound
Sonohysterogram (Sonohysterography, Hysterosonography)
Vaginitis Test for various STD

Gynecologic Symptoms and Diagnosis

Common clinical chemistry tests include


(citos del griego >> célula)

Cytoscopy atlas.jpg

ginocitologia DIY ginocitologia punk






Urinary INfections

BodyPLANTS: Urinary INfections

Here sharing local plants for usual affections to some bodies arround. Some of them are cronic, some temporary depending on the enviroment.



 “No woman wants an abortion like she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche.
 She wants an abortion like an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg."
  • MAGAZINE What's next for women's autonomy? To mark four decades of women exercising the right to abortion, our contributors share ideas & actions in On The Issues Magazine Winter 2012.

Pregnancy TEST

When conducting the test, what is being sought to be detected is a compound called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

It is made by cells that form the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. In general the hCG levels will double every 72 hours.


others: dandelion method, Bleach, Pine sol , Toothpaste

Menstrual Extraction

8 1 menstrual extraction large.jpg








hormone (from Greek ὁρμή - "impetus")



Brand Name: Provera

People: working with DIY Bio-technology, feminism, bodypolitics
subRosa mutable (cyber)feminist art collective combining art, social activism and politics to explore and critique the intersections of information and bio technologies on women’s bodies, lives and work
Women's Health In Women's Hands
Maternidades Subversivas-Maria LLopis
Hacking Health