This activities were part of the preparations for the Global Lamp residency – Yogya meets Yaoundé with Stephane Fadanka June 2023
"Terbuka Untuk Aku dan Kamu" - TUAK residensi in Tuban @ Prewangan Studio
About Prewangan Studio
"Prewangan merupakan studio inisiatif warga yang bersifat terbuka dan bersama, bekerja dalam aplikasi yang kreatif dan efektif di bidang edukasi, sains, seni, dan teknologi. Praktik Prewangan Studio berfokus pada pembuatan, pengembangan, dan eksperimen benda ataupun produk dengan spirit DIY (Do It Yourself). Para anggota Prewangan Studio terdiri dari guru, seniman multimedia, praktisi furnitur, praktisi elektro, dalang, praktisi usaha bidang agraris maupun maritim, desainer, praktisi musik, dokter hewan, dan juga masyarakat sebagai kolabolator."
Prewangan is an open and collaborative citizen-initiated studio, working on creative and effective applications in the fields of education, science, arts and technology. The Prewangan Studio practice focuses on making, developing, and experimenting with objects or products with a DIY (Do It Yourself) spirit. The members of Prewangan Studio consist of teachers, multimedia artists, furniture practitioners, electrical practitioners, puppeteers, business practitioners in the agricultural and maritime fields, designers, music practitioners, veterinarians, and also the community as collaborators.
- Helmi Hardian
- Marc Dusseiller (Pakdeh marcjono)
- Dholly Husada
- Indra prayhogi (impoe)
- Naim rifai (bonak)
- Syaiful ahmad kurdiantoro (sipit)
- Abdul wahab (ucok)
- Rolex sandi arba (penyu)
- Urubingwaru
- many many more
Geeking Activities
4093 forever!
Making ISP programmer shield for Attiny geeking
We have introduced possible simple workshops using the Attiny85, and thus made some programming shields to be plugged on an arduino and be able to programm the attinies.
One possible nice workshop uses the "record & play" code and schematicsfrom Ralf Schreiber, to make simple mechanical sound installations collaboratively with found objects from the beach. Still looking for a suitable motor around here...
record & play for attiny85
"A workshop where participants will build small electro-mechanical solo drum machines from single DC motors and small circuit boards. The workshop will experiment with different kinds of sounding materials (metal pieces, stones, springs, paper, etc), where the machines will oscillate freely and develop their own individual sound quality. Once built the machines will be used to explore fundamental musical structures." - from Ralf Schreiber
See the more dedicated documentation here: Record and Play DUA
Single Channel
old version: http://www.ralfschreiber.com/share/pulseandpatterns/Attiny85_record_playback.zip
New Dual Channel
New version multitasking by ChrisMicro
- 1 x Attiny85 (DIP)
- 4 x 1kOhm Resistor (throughhole)
- 3 x push button (6mm)
- 2 x LED (throughhole)
- 2 x 2N3904 Transistor (smd)
- 2 x small motor (RF300 or clone)
- 2 x protection diode for motor (ex: 1N4841)
Desain Pisibi
Pisibi etching
More pisibi etching in Lifepatch
Tuak Field Research
Cooking 4 Eating
Tuban style Fondue motié-motié
Good I brought some nice 50% off Fondue from the Coop near Bitwäscherei... a few days travelled in the tropical heat, but still gooooood!
Many other recipes shared...