Domaći mikroskop @ Science Picnic, Zagreb

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Everybody can build microscope!

Building your own DIY MICROSCOPE only involves converting an ordinary webcam into a microscope. The webcam’s conversion can be quickly effected manually. The electronics remains unaltered, only the position of the lens is changed. A solid platform enables fixing and accurately focusing the tiny study objects. The objects are illuminated with a light-emitting diode (LED).

Join and explore the microcosm around you!

Participants will be invited to build their own microscope in just 1-2 hours, or they can just join us in our BioHacking-Lab to explore various microscopic lifeforms or even their own cells, tiny worms, single cell animals and waterbears.

More about DIY Mikroskopy, Links, Texts

The chapter about about building your own microscope can be downloaded hier .

Home Made Bio Electronic Arts Do-it-yourself: Microscopes, Sensors, Sonifications - Christoph Merian Verlag / Migros-Kulturprozent: Dominik Landwehr, Verena Kuni (Ed.), 2013


What is "Biohacking"?

Diymicroscoping def.jpg

More about Biohacking if you visit us!


Step 1 get stuff.jpg

Step 2 screw lens outwards.jpg

Step 3 invert lens.jpg

Step 4 make stage.jpg

Step 5 adjustable focus.jpg

Step 6 add ligthing.jpg

Step 7 go hunting.jpg

Die "Stage

Microscopes overview.jpg

Verschiedene Proben

Webcam micro images.jpg


Dr. Marc Dusseiller

Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller (CH) aka dusjagr, is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He works in an integral way to combine science, art and education. He performs DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops in lo-fi electronics, hardware hacking, microscopy, music and robotics.

More info:


Urs Gaudenz, tba