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There was loads of new developments over the last few weeks. Thanks to the intense coconut research geek-in-residency iyok!


  • Switch to attiny85
  • bring the BabyGnusbuino back to life!
  • loads of optimizations
  • Use velocity as signal, no need for re-calibration and detection of on and off state
  • filtering if AC noise
  • got the multiplexed version to work
  • Loads of new boards

To Do:

A jugaad and low-cost educational platform for digital interactivity, compatible with Makey Makey (TM), using QTouch ADC and Attiny85.

Now on GitHub !!!

Follow all updates on our GitHub


Below are notes of the earlier developments


Prototype using Arduino, QTouch and Coconuts
A jugaad ultra low-cost clone to the Makey Makey, but based on QTouchADC sensing, local manufacturing and coconuts

Board Design

CocoMake7 boardShape.pngCocoMake7 Board84.png

On GitHub

Make Your Own CocoMake7

Programming the Attiny84 from the Arduino as ISP

Similar to our prototypes it's very easy to just make one on a protoboard. You need to first program the Attiny84 using ISP-programming.

Programming-attiny44-attiny84-with-arduino-uno.pngProgramming CocoMake7 via ArduinoISP.png

At the moment we are still using an FTDI or other USB-2-Serial converter to connect it to a laptop. V-USB is coming soon..

ISP Programmable CocoMake7 on protoboard

avrdude -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 19200 -c avrisp -p t84 -v


  • add LED with resistor on pin 5, aka PB2, formely known as pin 8 in the Arduino IDE
  • solder the USB port, still need to figure out the pin layout...

Using the simple CocoMake7 as PWM-CV or Theremin

V-USB implementation for CocoMake7

Next steps:

  • connect the USB port D+ and D- to pin 2 and 3, aka PB0 and PB1.
  • Figure out the V-USB stuff... stahl is working on it!
  • make some PCB's

KiCad, schematics and PCB design by pin

Schematics CocoMake7 pin.jpg

Eagle PCB design as USB stick by stahl


CocoMake7-Stick-animated.gif 3d laser cuttable case made in openscad (will add d/l link after quality check is approved hehe)


  • we have to add a crystal oscillator 16MHZ... so 2 pins less :-(
  • redesigned hardware core and schematics to put the USB on PB07 and PB06


  • v-usb MIDI is working, sometimes still issues with timing and the Touch-reading seems to be more noisy?
  • v-usb KEYBoard, also kinda working, hurray to staaaahhhll!

Other Prototypes of the CocoMake7

CocoMake7 pinEdition.png

CocoMake7 stahlEdition.png


June 20 & 21 we are doing the CocoMake7-Hackathon in Zug... let's see what nice educational and sound/performative elements we can develop!

CoconutResearch Residency at a.n.y.m.a.

13 - 15. December Stahl and dusjagr went to anyma to further develop the CocoMake7...

Things to do:

  • think deeply about Coconuts...

Example to use with CocoKeys:

Comparison to Makey Makey

Resistive sensing vs. capacitive sensing


Makey-makey-how-it-works.jpg VS. CapSense.jpg

These schematics compare the resistive sensing from makey makey to the CapSense library (needs a high Ohm resistor, on the digital pins). There is a huge difference in the interactivity if the "user" doesn't need to be hooked up to a wire. everybody can interact, multiple people can play at the same time etc..

By using the QTouch ADC method, the analog pins of the microcontroller can be turned into capacitive sensor, without the need of any external circuitry.



the official kit from Makey Makey
the touchboard by BareConductive

The Makey Makey kit incldudes, the board, some alligator clips, USB cable and a booklet, cost 49$, or 3'500 IDR. Far too much for many schools in india or worldwide.

We are aiming at Bill of Materials prize of approx 3$ for small scale production (5-25pieces). can be reduced to 1.6 - 2$ for large production series (1000 pieces).

Just a general thought about different interpretations of "low-cost" in the West... in China... and in India?

Let's see what we can make/produce in India...

Makey Makey GO

Selection 622.png

just now, May 2015, they announced a new product, already heavily hyped online and fastly supported on their kickstarter campaign (please not the address -> Cocoa Beach :-)

This one seems to use CapSense, maybe on an attiny? no open hardware as it seems...

  • 1 single Capacitive butten
  • detected as keyboard, spacebar press it seems
  • magnetic to clip on aligators, or put it on the fridge
  • nice and small
  • 19$, prize is soso... for only 1 button
  • attached to smart phone via the usb-converter plug

Selection 623.png


We make it as cheap as possible, including capability for local manufacturing. DIL-package, easy available parts, 1 sided PCB design and protoboard design, fancy PCB for collectors and geeks.

Which AVR microcontroller to use?


  • availability ok, prize starting around 150 IDR (2$), 1.50$ from Mouser, goes to 0.83$ if you buy 1000.
  • 8 ADC channels

What's the difference beetween attiny84A and attiny84 or Attiny84V (Low Power and expensive?) or Attiny841 (new edition of attiny84 or attiny84A)?

ATTINY 25/45/85

  • availability ok, prize starting around 85 IDR (1.20$)
  • only 4 ADC channels
  • adding a 4051 multiplexer, prize?
  • connection to other projects, like the ATtami


  • very widely available, prize starting around 220 - 250 IDR (3$), 3.48$ from Mouser goes to 1.82$ if you buy 1000.
  • The smd chip has 8 ADC channels, but the DIL seems to only have 6 ADC channel on Port C, ADC0 - ADC5
  • other extra pins for doing stuff

Download ATMEGA328 datasheet

ATMEGA 32u4, same as leonardo or the makey makye

  • only smd package
  • High prize, 6.32$ from Mouser
  • Hardware USB support!

ARM Cortex-M4 -> Teensy 3.1

yeah, it's cheating, not Jugaad, but rich-bitch Swiss stayle. But it works....

Nuvoton or hacked toys

Raspi? zero

Design Concept

CocoMake7 design concept.jpg

Download pdf: File:CocoMake7_concept_Diagram.pdf

Working prototypes

Attiny84 4 Channel QTouch -> PWM and serial out

IMG 20150831 203245.jpg

CocoMake7 4channel.jpg

Controlling a synth on puredata

Triggering samples on puredata

Attiny84 I2C communication to Mozzi Sound processor

not developed further

CocoMake7 USB-stick - Attiny84

IMG 20151215 150907.jpg

Testing MIDICocoMake7

Test MIDICocoMake7.pd- - -home-dusjagr-Documents-pd-CocoMake7 806.png

Download the pd test-MIDICoco patch here:

CocoMake7 on WebMIDI.png

Here is a nice webSynth:

  • Figure out the most important control values for this. and we can play the keys and the midi simultanoulsy!!

Testing KEYSCocoMake7

Testing KEYSCocoMake7.png

CocoMake7 rev 0.0.1

Cocomakey84 0rel.jpgCocomakey84 back 0rel.jpg

Download schematics: File:cocomakey.pdf

Download KiCad files:

USB plug version of CocoMake7 using attiny84

To Do:

  • add LED on PB2
  • change silkscreen to Make7
  • add a reset button?
  • Redesign the ISP port on backside to have additional standard size

NanoCocoBabyMake7 - Attiny85 and MultiPlexer

Going back to the 85. Why?

  • Cheaper
  • much wider availabibility
  • no crystal needed
  • because we can

Schematics: File:cocobabygnusb1_06a_schematic.pdf

Where to get a good micro-USB to hand-solder:

NanoCocoFetus - Attiny85 pure!

CocoFetus Top.pngCocoFetus Bottom.png


CocoTeens7 FirstPrototype.jpg

Works very fine, but not so much "jugaad". See github.

Nice stand alone sample player easy to be implemented... see more about audio on the Teensy 3.1.

CocoTeens7 - Taipei Edition

CocoTeens7.pngCocoTeens7 taipeiEdition.jpg

Testing the new CocoTeens7 at Dimension+ and Openlab Taipei:

CocoTeens7 - v2 break-out

Download the board: File:Teens7Coco_pcb_dusjagr_MASK.pdf

Logarithmic LUT generator

LUT generator.png

Check and use on GoogleDocs

Related Projects

HID Keyboard emulation

V-USB virtual USB emulation on ATMEGA

V-USB HID devices on attiny, loads of well written code

Gnusbuino by Michi Egger - anyma

Easy Logger V-USB keyboard on Attiny

Virtual Keyboard (vusb-for-arduino library) for Arduino

Trinket Pro, ATMEGA 328 with bootloader and HID key libary:

Turn your Arduino UNO into a HID keyboard

Makey Makey - From $49.95 was $69.95

Is it compatible to Coconuts?

Makey Makey on Sparkfun - $49.95

Make something like the Makey Makey with Arduino Leonardo

Make your own Makey Makey, based on Shrimp (Bareduino)

Makey Makey GO - 25$ coming soon

Shipping in December 2015

Makey Makey GO - coming in Nov 2015
  • 1 single button
  • 1 red aligator clip
  • some non interactive LEDs for stayle
  • magnetic clip
  • direct usb plug on device (like the BabyGnusbuino)
  • is it reprogrammable to choose the keystroke? function buttons?
  • instructions.. .following

On Kickstarter since May, delivery until november?

BareConductive Touchboard - £90.00

the touchboard by BareConductive

Based on ATMEGA 32u8 Leonardo, uses capacitive sensing, conductive paint

Seems they use an additional chip for the capacitive sensing, MPR121. Prize ca 1-2$ on the real!

At sparkfun a breakout board is available for 9$.

Nice they don't do any "open-washing". good engineering and in the end... all the code is here: - 60£

Based on ATMEGA 32u8 Leonardo

can be detected as USB device

play dircetly some sounds, using the mozzi library

Selection 573.png



Scratch - free

Create stories, games, and animations Share with others around the world. A creative learning community with 8,808,476 projects shared. With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge.

Questions and Considerations

Vendor ID ?

What about this vendor ID. Does anyma have one?

From Adafruit Trinket Pro:

Selection 556.png

From V-USB

Selection 557.png




The Center for Alternative Coconut Research

More about Coconuts

Found in the Flickr... LM386-in-a-Coconut

The Center for Alternative Coconut Research

  • website coming soon...

Deejay: The World’s Trendsetter in Hybrid Coconut Seedling Production!

The Coconut Palm Man

The other... Coconut Research Center. Dr. Bruce Fife a.k.a. “Dr. Coconut” answers your questions about coconuts:

The Coco-Mic - The DIY Studio Quailty USB Mic (MEMS technology)

31 Unusual Uses For Coconuts$

An eco-friendly alternative to Coconut Fibre Processing

Global distribution of the Coconut Palmtree

1024px-Coconut distribution.png

Coconuts in Pop-Music