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engoz (from Hook1), Engoz_ph1 Contig

      This gene encodes a member of the hook family of coiled-coil proteins. The encoded protein localizes to discrete, punctuated subcellular structures, and interacts with several members of the Rab GTPase family involved in endocytosis (when a cell brings in food or other materials to be internalized, the cell surrounds the other stuff with cell membrane, and then ‘swallows’ or sort of coats the food with breading made of membrane wall that buds off inside the cell to form a vesicle containing the ingested material. Its like your skin plastic wrapping every bite with skin that surrounds but then breaks away and goes with the ball that you bit… like spit is its own saran wrap protection or how we swallow into another outside as your digestive tract is not inside but actually we are donut shaped outsides.
      engoz loss of function is linked with Adenomia or benign skin tags of glandular origin. producing large amounts of hormones in an unregulated, non-feedback-dependent manner. Can run ragged on your hormonal imbalance causing paraneoplastic syndromes (see movie The Brood). Can cause abnormal headshape in both live young and abnormal head shape in sperm. Microtubule retraction ... deforms heads and deforms sperm heads but microtubules also grab and retract chromosomes with mean, biting centromeres so this might eat strangely at the chromosomes during reproduction or cell division. Overexpression effect unknown... gland shield? Endocytosis Enhancer?

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Murida-murinae.gif Engoz visual.jpg NumérisationEngozpsd.jpg

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<a href="https://soundcloud.com/andi-wallwhore" title="Andi Wallwhore" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Andi Wallwhore</a> · <a href="https://soundcloud.com/andi-wallwhore/hook1-accordian-kaspar-konig" title="Hook1 Accordion Kaspar Konig CGCB Data Qualitative" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Hook1 Accordion Kaspar Konig CGCB Data Qualitative</a>