Make you own CRISPR-Baby

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Workshop at swissnex San Francisco

Syringes slime biohackers edit02.jpg

Join us for a deeper engagement on various methods of germline interventions. The germline is the river of heredity (i.e. sperm, ova, zygote) that you as a human are a part of. A gene from a non-human would need to be inserted into the river of humanity to make that person and their descendants interspecies transgenic. We will introduce DIY tools & toys for playful speculations on who, how and where we can envision our future offspring human /non-human watermelon inheritable post-species palettes. Through a collaborative and performative workshop, Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, Megan Daalder and Adam Zaretsky, will guide the group throughout the evening.

Schedule: 6 – 9 pm, Friday 22nd Feb 2019

Random Notes on the Human Genome Editing summit

Some videos and texts from the HK Human Genome Editing Summit

GE allFemalePanel publicEngagement.png

what happened between 2015 and 2019?

Literature and links