MakeBlock Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver
MakeBlock is advertised as open source robotic platform. However they have recently moved away from doing real open source toward some business - open washing - cripple open source as it seems. Focusing on STEM and making money. Profiting form a community to sell closed source products is the CEOs interpretation of open source:
"Jasen Wang - Founder & CEO @ Makeblock: "Open source means we work closely with a large, smart community, which will help us to improve product designs. Customers will also get additional technical support from the community and other resources such as code."
Still they have some nice modules and software and some of it is still open source. And when asking the technical support they would even send you extra information and design files. So here we got the schematic file of the new MakeBlock Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver that does not seem to be published on the makeblock website yet. For those interesed I will post it here for download:
Schematic File for File:Me High-Power Ecoder motor driver.pdf
Code and some other files can be found on [the Makeblock GitHub]