- 1 PIFcamp
- 2 Day 1
- 3 Day 2 & 3
- 4 Day 4 & 5
- 5 Ideas about Plant Analysis
- 6 In-the-Field Sonification Experiments
- 7 New edition of a Mobile Lab
- 8 Materials to get
- 9 Related earlier Projects
- 9.1 Mountain Labbing with staayle
- 9.2 Earlier sessions on Mobile Labs
- 9.3 Fashion advise for Field-trips
- 9.4 Wonosadi trip during HackteriaLab 2014
- 9.5 Cave Safaries, Slovenia
- 9.6 Mobile Lab Hackathon, Slovenia
- 9.7 Básica Transmutación and BiotransLab @ aRtropocode 2014, A Coruna
- 9.8 Hacking the Wild by Andrew Quitemayer et al ~ Digital Naturalism
- 10 Other Links
Summer Hacking Camp, 3 – 9 August 2015 @ Trenta, Slovenia
- Wild Food with Dario Cortese
Day 1
- Seting up the lab
- Test Batteries
- Burn some plants
- Go for a Walk and discuss edible plants
- Get the etching running
- Make pifPlantAnalyzer with Dario
- Notes on and photos of edible plants
Day 2 & 3
- loads of Chlorophyl extraction
- making rainbows with LEDs
- more chlorophyl extractions from nettles
- trying the nitrit tests on them
- sausage centrifugation
- notes on chlorophyll extraction and nitrite testing
Day 4 & 5
- more extractions...
- trying various stuff with the Nitrite tests.
- can we reduce the Nitrate to Nitrite with Zinc?
- making rainbows to do simple photo-absorption
- programming (see github) and assembling the photometer to measure the Nitrite Test (it's pink, means using a bright green LED)
- photo-spectraaaal absorbtion goggle
- some experiments with flame analysis. the coppric sulfate from the etching gives funny colors
Ideas about Plant Analysis
See more on Plant Analysis
- Nitrogen content (Kjeldahl method)
- flame analysis
- Near Infrared Spectroscopy or Photography
- dry weight
- Chlorophyl extraction
- Total protein content via BCA assay or Bradford
- and many more
Looking closely at Plants (and other things)
In-the-Field Sonification Experiments
PIFcamp Plant Analyzer
It's basically the same circuit as the NanoSmano Sajica aka Vive-la-Resistance. A basic 4093 single oscillator using 1 NAND gate and buffering the output through another gate to control the LED and further buffering it through a gate to be used as output for a piezo or read-out using the freqCount library.
See more details and applications of the PIFcamp Plant Analyzer or other projects on Plant Electrophysiology.
New edition of a Mobile Lab
The Box
The Backpack
The Setup
Materials to get
- 12V Batteries, different sizes (HTE)
- 3 x Garlic Press
- Mortar
- isopropanol
- centrifuge (Biotehna?)
Related earlier Projects
Mountain Labbing with staayle
Earlier sessions on Mobile Labs
During the last years we have investigated various approaches on building and using various MobileLabs, MobileKitchenLabs in a hacked Angkringan, in Yogyakarta and Boxology. We explored it's uses at various festivals and conferences such as MutaMorphosis:Nomadic_Science_Lab#Nomadic_Furniture or Lab-in-a-Van for Ars Electronica's Create Your World Festival. MobileLabs Hackathon at BioTehna Lab II, Ljubljana with artists and hackers to focus more in depth on concepts and field testing, see the impressions And see Doms Mobile vj lab.
And more examples here during HackteriaLab 2014 MobileLabs
Fashion advise for Field-trips
Wonosadi trip during HackteriaLab 2014
Cave Safaries, Slovenia
See more info about our first trips in Slovenia on
Mobile Lab Hackathon, Slovenia
Básica Transmutación and BiotransLab @ aRtropocode 2014, A Coruna
Hacking the Wild by Andrew Quitemayer et al ~ Digital Naturalism
Other Links