HLab14 Symposium - Citizen Initiatives in Art & Science @ UGM
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artists, makers, scientist, hackers, whatever
Info about the Speakers and their Presentation
Welcome words
Welcome Words by Prof. Dr. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M.Eng. (Mikrobiologi, UGM)
Selamat pagi, assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabakarakatuh, salam sejahtera. Terima kasih saya sampaikan kepada Panitia CITIZEN INITIATIVE IN ART AND SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM yang telah memberikan kepada saya suatu kehormatan untuk menyampaikan pengenalan, “Introduction”, atas kerjasama yang belum, atau bahkan tidak, terlalu umum, yakni kerjasama antara seni dan sains.
Full transcript of HLab14 - Welcome Words by Pak Irfan
Welcome Words by Ambassador Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn
Assalamu alaikum, Pak Dr. Jamhari, Pak Dr. Irfan, Pak Donnie, Pak Andreas, Pak Dr. Marc, Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu, yang terhormat. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan ini bertemu anda. Saya senang sekali bisa kembali ke Jogja dan ke UGM. Permisi, saya sekarang bicara inggris.
Ladies and Gentlemen, when I first read the title of today's Symposium HackteriaLab 2014, I asked myself: What the heck is HackteriaLab 2014 Symposium?
Full transcript of HLab14 - Welcome Words by Ambassador Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn.
Introduction by Pak Irfan, dusjagr and lifepatch
Iskandar Waworuntu
Bumi Langit is a place where one can see and learn about the importance of the relationship between humans and their environment. We encourage and facilitate the process whereby people regain awareness of their role and responsibility in managing the environment in order to maintain balance.
Bumi Langit is a place where we can learn and apply the wisdom and skills which have been inherited from the noble traditions of our ancient daily life. It is a place where modern technology is part of the solution, not the beginning of problems.
A place where good ethical values become the basic foundation of human’s attitude towards their environment, and other humans. A place where the approach to life is cooperation, not competition. A place that brings back mutually beneficial relations between humans and nature as the basic motivation for every plan and action in our life.
Yashas Shetty
Short Bio: Yashas Shetty is an artist and composer based in Bangalore, India. He is currently an artist in residence and faculty at the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology. He helped found the Center for Experimental Media Arts at Srishti and has previously taught at design schools across India. His works look at the relationship between language,ecology and technology. He is also one of the founding members of the Hackteria project.
Dr. Matt Baker
Abstract of Presentation:
Short Bio: Matt Baker (DPhil, Oxford 2010) is a biological physicist working on molecular motors at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney. His research career has focussed on the bacterial flagellar motor which rotates the propellor that makes nearly all bacteria swim. This marvel of bionanotechnology is nature's fastest wheel and rotates at up to 1000 Hz, assembles itself into bacterial membranes, and can switch directions in a handful of milliseconds. Matt works on building high resolution microscopes and optical traps to image and exert picoNewton torques on this motor. Currently he is using DNA nanostructures with Dr Lawrence Lee to attempt the first artificial synthesis of the bacterial flagellar motor. Matt has a strong interest in outreach and communications work and has performed a variety of science raps in festivals throughout UK, Europe and Australia. At HackteriaLab2014 Matt wants to get involved with open source hardware and DIY lab equipment and learn from the ingenuity displayed in hacking webcams to see how we can apply it to other types of microscopes.
Matt will introduce the bacterial flagellar motor, as it's an impressive piece of machinery, and discuss how we build microscopes to look at this machine. He'll talk about how we can relate this to citizen science with DIY microscopy, and finally will talk a little bit about his experiences with scientific outreach involving music and rap to a variety of audiences.
Martin Malthe Borch
Abstract of Presentation: Reflections from the intersection of biological engineering, interaction design, art & science. Based on my work and experience with biohacking and Biologigaragen since 2010. Including a few stories from diybio.eu.
Short Bio: Current Activities:
- Research Assistant IT-University of Copenhagen.
- Co-founder and chairman of biologigaragaen: www.biologigaragen.org
- Chairman of Labitat Copenhagen Hackerspace: www.Labitat.dk
- Initiater and project leader on Copenhagen Citizen Science Center www.KopenLab.dk/space
- Working on living and sustainable architecture with the copany GXN, Green innovation in architecture http://gxn.3xn.com
Look up. How much living biology can you see right now? Only a house plant? We are biology, and at CIID, Martin is working to integrate the complexity and evolutionary capability of living biology, plants, bacteria and microalgae in design and architecture. He researches and plays with the possibilities of biology in interaction and experience design. We could have bioluminating microalgae tubes in walls and ceilings, living lampshades of lichen that change shape and colour with the season. The self replicating capacity of biology further adds new aspects to sharing of design. Martin discovers new opportunities through learning by doing, always wondering, asking critical questions and having fun. He believes the future holds a big potential for open source business models and innovation by making natural science relevant and accessible through an user oriented design approach. He has a Master degree in Biological Engineering from DTU, specialized in bioreactor engineering and sustainable biorefinery processes. He’s in the steering comity of “Energihøjskolen” the first Danish folk high school based on natural science.
Indonesia Dragonfly Society
Vision : The existence of the biodiversity of dragonfly (Odonata) as our natural heritage.
Missions : 1. Preserving the natural heritage through Odonata as the focus of the activity. 2. Improving the quality of the habitat of Odonata and its utilization culturally, ecologically and economically to the people. 3. Educating society to make them love Odonata and respect their merits to our environment and civilization. 4. Encouraging new dragonfly society and lovers from all over Indonesia.
Jatiwangi art Factory and Fajar Abadi
Cooking / Discussion performance... stay tuned for the video!
Location in the Auditorium of the Agricultural Faculty in Gadjah Mada University
Date and Time Tuesday, April 15, from 9:00h to 15:30h
Start 9:00
Lunch Break 12.40 - 13.40
End & Tea 16.00
The symposium aims to expand the idea of citizen initiatives that works on creative and appropriate application in the fields of art, science and technology. We present projects, communities, collectives, groups and individuals that deals with and disseminates tactics of dealing with day-to-day issues within a specific setting (geographical area, similar interests, etc), through educational approaches such as workshops, online tutorials, community-based projects and art practices. The dynamic background and disciplines of all speakers in the symposium represents the colors of HackteriaLab 2014 participants and hopefully reflects our stance on multidisciplinary collaborative practices.
Brainstorm title of Symposium
Citizen Initiatives in Art & Science
artists, makers, scientist, hackers, whatever
Citizen Initiatives in the Art & Science
Citizen Initiatives in the Arts & Sciences
- Citizening Thingy Things
- Art & Science towards Citizen Empowerement Symposium
- Art & Science towards Citizen Initiatives - Symposium
- Art & Making towards Citizen Science Symposium
- Artits & Makers towards Citizen Science - Symposium
- BioArt vs. Citizen Science Symposium
- Citizen Science Symposium artists, makers and biohackers or empowerment thrgou art, making and biohacking
- art and science through community practices and citizen initiatives
- Citizen Science Symposium The role of artists, makers, scientist, biohackers and the people
- Citizen Initiatives Symposium The role of artists, makers, scientist, biohackers and the people
- The Making of Citizen Science and Our Art
- Citizen Initiatives in Arts and Science artists, makers, scientist, hackers and the people
- Citizen Initiatives Symposium artists, makers, scientist, hackers and the people