EXOglands radical dynamics: fluid, tissues & bloody self-aware enhancement bionicLAB Another Pechblenda Tentacle: Klau + Pin colaboration
Extreme own-body cognition, Anarchagland (female eyaculation) & male prostate , decolonial anatomy of pleasure. Unveil taboos with DIY biolab techniques, DIT science & medical hacks reverse engineering. A transdisplinary collaboration based on health issues of colectives who have been marginalized by the desensitized treatment of anything deemed promiscuous & contentious. Grassroots sexual politics empowerment.
SOFT CONTROL: Third open call for interdisciplinary projects The duration of the residence will be three weeks, from the 20th of April to the 10th of May 2015
day to day documentation
Virtual discussion chat
Chat in freenode JOIN US!
Overview work plan
1ra semana [20-26 abril]
- setup working place & start construction of basic lab & do betatests
- parallel recollect and process info & data about the glands
2da semana [27 abril - 3 mayo]
- visit prostate & uroginecology clinics to be aware of the exams they do and approach they have
- visit biomedical park for deep investigation about the issue
- debug the equipment & continue the hacks
3ra semana [4 - 10 mayo]
- final debug of the lab equipment and develop the mobile format
- workshop & feedback debate with grassroots communities
- Increase self-anatomical knowledge trough pleasure & biomedical research
- Generate accesible tools and technics to enhance sexual health knowledge and practices
- Generate spaces of visibilities and debate about disident sexualities &health rights of sexworkers
- Grassroot empowerment against sexual violence, medical institutions' discrimination and stigmatization, and bioselfdefense (HIV tests, pregnancy tests, anticonceptive techniques, menstrual extraction, hormones and alternative pregnancy interruption information)
- Creation of tools for a basic and functional mobile biolab of diagnosis and check depending of communities needs.
All the process at hackteriaLab wiki as laboratory notebook, editing specific HowTos, writing a narrative article & a scientific paper, generating visual info-graphics, mapping an image web repository with audiolinks to interviews & printing the hole process as a special issue newspaper to spread.
- basic electronic lab equipment + supplies
- electronic recycled materials
- laboratory specimen collection supplies,
- appropriate webcams to hack them,
- webmaster support to site,
- webdomain,
- access to scientific/academic publications.
- audio recorder
- scanner
- printer (A3 minimum size) and paper
(need from Hangar)
- 1: NO REALIZADO >> Visit the Prostatic Disease Institute & TEKNOGIN (centro de Ginecología, Obstetricia y Medicina reproductiva) for info, patient/customer principles & bioanalisys.
- 2: 2 VISITAS >> Visit Parque de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona (PRBB) for specific info & bioanalytical service.
- 3: CONFIRMADO >> Espacio del Inmigrante workshop & debate
Other spaces to reach
Otehr Networks
- Red Autogestionada Anti-Privatización de la Sanidad
- Coordinadora
- “La falta de información sobre otras culturas obstaculiza la atención en salud sexual a la población inmigrante”
Build MobileLABS
Laborio abierto
pink lab love imagenes de los preparativos para la primera sesión Laboratorio Abierto
- Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Laborio abierto
En esta sección iremos añadiendo información a cerca de como se ha ido gestando el laboratorio abierto. Ayer DOMINGO 17 DE MAYO tuvo lugar :
Mobile Lab
Build a full equipment lab & basic mobile one easy to replicate (fluids & blood analysis).
We think on the idea of buildinga mobile lab so We decided to start with the basic equipment that can be usable to make fluids and blood analysis, continue reading to see what and how:
HarDglAm gynepunk devices:
- espectrum microscope for micro-macro especulation
- especultivo inkubator based on the Fermento one
- Gynepunkfuge
- speculum speculorum
- HackteriaLab_2013_Material/Tools
- HackteriaLab_2011_Material/Tools
- BioTehna_Lab_Infrastructure
- Open-source Lab
- [[1]]
- interactive mapping, Illustrated howtos, zines
Exocrine Gland: Prostate F/M
Materiales ( Laboratorio de Microbiologia )
Mechero Bunsen o de Alcohol Asa de Siembra o aguja enmangada Pinzas Portaobjetos Muestras bacterianas de origen natural: Yogur, Sarro Dental, Suelo, etc. Palillos Microscopios Aceite de inmersión Soporte de Tinciones Goteros Pinzas Agua destilada Colorantes para Tinción: Solución de cristal Violeta Lugol Safranina Etanol 95%
- Learn Basic Microscopic Medicine - 'Shotgun' Histology and Pathology: Aprendizaje Básico de Medicina Microscópica: Saber como se ven los tejidos sanos bajo un microscopio, y aprender como se ven los signos de enfermedad. Know what normal healthy tissues look like under a microscope, then learn to look for signs of disease.
- The ART of Cytology: Honor Fell
- Cytology Stuff
- Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas
- Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology Online Atlas Portal
- Cytopathology
- Interpretación Resultado de la Citología del Cuello Uterino
- Reseña histórica de la citopatología y los orígenes del papanicolaou
- cytofocus
- medical-lab-minds
- Heck Yeah Cytology!
- blog visual
- Medical School
- Tecnología Médica
de-colonize gender healers reconstruction of HIStory. Is the story of HERs
Remote Node Helvetia
We'll have a parallel gathering with Gaudi, Sachiko, dusjagr and some other friends...
QCM for home diagnostics
We use a hacked TTL crystal to use as a Quartz Crystal Microbalance...
We'll explore the use of Wild openQCM, a clone of the OpenQCM for various diagnostic tests. Blood coagulation, viscosity of the vaginal mucosa or semen quality.
Some links on blood coagulation:
- Blood Coagulation Thromboplastine Time Measurements on a Nanoparticle Coated Quartz Crystal Microbalance Biosensor in Excellent Agreement with Standard Clinical Methods
Vaginal mucosa, detection of ovaluation
Semen motility
OpenTheremin QCM
see more on Wild openQCM
Attaching the Quartz-crystal oscillator to the Open Theremin to make the measurements audible!
See a video here:
Low-Cost Electrochemical Detection
- GynePUNK biolabs
- GynePUNK heresy
- GynePunk blog
- Pechblenda on hackteria wiki
- Pechblenda web